Use multiple positive samples to better assess interference with specific assays.
Immunoassays are subject to interference from endogenous antibodies, especially human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) and rheumatoid factor (RF). These interferents are heterogeneous, which means some samples with interfering endogenous antibodies will affect a specific assay and some will not. Using multiple HAMA or RF positive samples will better assess interference more thoroughly.
Price/typical value table
ASSURANCE™ RF Interference Test Kit PN: INT-03 Price: $1800 Includes: 5 vials of HAMA-positive serum, from individual donors, at different concentrations Individual Interferents $395/vial |
Interferent(0.5 mL vial) | SOURCE |
Rheumatoid Factor (RF) | RF-positive human plasma |
RF Interferents have typical concentrations between 1000 IU/mL and 9700 IU/mL, depending upon testing method. Please call 1-877-SUN-DIAG (786-3424) or email [email protected] to inquire about available concentrations.
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