Endogenous Interferents:
Beyond Hemolysis, Lipemia, and Icterus
ASSURANCE™ Test Kits from Sun Diagnostics.
Certainly the “big 3” are important, but other endogenous metabolites may also interfere with common laboratory tests. Among the endogenous interferents, these seven circulate at relatively high concentration and can interfere with spectrophotometric assays: creatinine, glucose, glycerol, lactate, pyruvate, uric acid, and urea. CLSI has recommended concentrations and protocols for testing these potential interferents (Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Approved Guidelines (EP07-A2), and Sun Diagnostics now has a kit to simplify testing for these endogenous metabolites: INT-06. The metabolites come in individual vials at 20-fold the CLSI recommended test concentrations so that they are easily spiked into serum or urine pools for analysis.
Items for Download:
ASSURANCE™ Endogenouse Interferents Test Kit PN: INT-06 Price: $740 Includes: One vial of each component, 1ml Individual Interferents $115/vial |
Interferent | ASSURANCE™ Concentration* |
Component PN | ||
CREATININE | 300 mg/dL | INT-06C | ||
GLUCOSE | 20,000 mg/dL | INT-06GLU | ||
GLYCEROL | 340 mg/dL | INT-06GLY | ||
LACTATE | 1,800 mg/dL | INT-06LAC | ||
PYRUVATE | 100 mg/dL | INT-06PYR | ||
BLOOD UREA NITROGEN | 2,400 mg/dL | INT-06BUN | ||
URIC ACID | 470 mg/dL |
INT-06UA (Includes NaOH for control) |

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