Sun Diagnostics LLC
Intralipid® Is Not Adequate for Interference Testing
Intralipid® Is Not Adequate for Interference Testing Lipemia is best defined as turbidity in a sample caused by elevated triglycerides, mostly as chylomicrons, because they are large and more triglyceride-rich. Interference is due to a decrease in absorbance due to...
SunDx Lp(a) Particle Number ELISA overcomes isoform size bias
Check out this white paper from Sun Diagnostics to learn why most lipoprotein(a) assays [Lp(a)] cannot accurately measure Lp(a) particle number without bias from apo(a) size isoforms, and how the Sun Diagnostics Lp(a) Particle Number ELISA overcomes this bias....
Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC): Insulated Insert for Specimen Lockboxes Offers Better Protection from Temperature Extremes
Traditional specimen lockboxes are metal with little or no insulation. Often these lockboxes sit outside the doctor's offices exposed to extreme hot and cold temperatures. Ambient seasonal temperatures are overlooked as a contributor to preanalytical variation and...
Sun Diagnostics simplifies interference testing with the ASSURANCE™ product line.
Sun Diagnostics simplifies interference testing with the ASSURANCE™ product line. We are pleased to announce an important change to improve the performance of lipemia testing with our triglyceride-rich lipoprotein material (INT-01T). Lipemia is best assessed with...
Sun Diagnostics, LLC (New Gloucester, ME) strives to identify and develop unique products for the in vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry. Sun Diagnostics simplifies interference testing with the ASSURANCE™ Interference Test Kit product line, including Test Kits for...
Sun Diagnostics, LLC adds INT-02 HAMA Interference Test Kit to the ASSURANCE ™ product line. INT-02 for more information.
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