Sun Diagnostics LLC



Given the renewed interest in Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], Sun Diagnostics is pleased to re-introduce our Lipoprotein(a) Particle Number [Lp(a)-P] ELISA for use in the quantitative measurement of Lp(a). Lipoprotein (a) is an LDL-like particle with a unique glycoprotein,...

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Sun Diagnostics simplifies interference testing with the ASSURANCE™ product line. We are pleased to announce a change to the fill volume for the INT-03RF Rheumatoid Factor Interferent:  This interferent will now be filled to 1.0 mL per vial, making it consistent...

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Effect of Hemolysis on Laboratory Tests

Effect of Hemolysis on Laboratory Tests Hemolysis is the breakdown of red blood cells and the resulting release of hemoglobin, potassium, and other intracellular components into serum or other fluids.  Visually, hemolysis is detected by a characteristic red color in...

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Assay Interference: A Brief Review and Helpful Hints

Assay Interference:  A Brief Review and Helpful Hints (download here) Sun Diagnostics, LLC New Gloucester, Maine Laboratory Directors and laboratorians are responsible for the quality of data reported from their laboratories, but they rely on the assay manufacturer...

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