Sun Diagnostics’ Blog
ASSURANCE Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein for Lipemia Interference Testing
The accumulation of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL) particles or lipemia causes turbidity in the patient sample. As lipoproteins vary in sizes,...
SunDx Addresses Sun Health Diagnostics Confusion
Sun Diagnostics, LLC is in no way related to Sun Health Diagnostics. Please refer to this letter and the enclosures for information. The CMS tip...
Given the renewed interest in Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], Sun Diagnostics is pleased to re-introduce our Lipoprotein(a) Particle Number [Lp(a)-P] ELISA...
Sun Diagnostics simplifies interference testing with the ASSURANCE™ product line. We are pleased to announce a change to the fill volume for the...
Effect of Hemolysis on Laboratory Tests
Effect of Hemolysis on Laboratory Tests Hemolysis is the breakdown of red blood cells and the resulting release of hemoglobin, potassium, and other...
Assay Interference: A Brief Review and Helpful Hints
Assay Interference: A Brief Review and Helpful Hints (download here) Sun Diagnostics, LLC New Gloucester, Maine Laboratory Directors and...
Intralipid® Is Not Adequate for Interference Testing
Intralipid® Is Not Adequate for Interference Testing Lipemia is best defined as turbidity in a sample caused by elevated triglycerides, mostly as...
SunDx Lp(a) Particle Number ELISA overcomes isoform size bias
Check out this white paper from Sun Diagnostics to learn why most lipoprotein(a) assays [Lp(a)] cannot accurately measure Lp(a) particle number...

The Importance of Independent, Third-Party Quality Controls
You probably have not put as much thought into the clinical importance of independent, 3rd party quality control as Dr. Sonntag which is why we...

A Useful Spreadsheet For Determining Limits Of Blank And Limits Of Detection
CLSI teaches us that it is important to know the difference between a “true” quantity of a substance and an individual measurement result. In other...
We want to work with you.
(207) 926-1125
Sun Diagnostics LLC
Suite 322
New Gloucester, ME 04260